Authors: G. Gangbazo, A.R. Pesant, D. Cluis et D. Couillard
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Published in: CBE Journal » CBE Journal Volume 34 (1992)

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Description: Pig manure was applied to a Coaticook clay loam contained in boxes of 0.26 m area and runoff delays, runoff volumes and infiltra tion rates were evaluated under simulated rainfall at rates typical of those in the Estrie area (southeastern Quebec). The factorial treatment combinations of three rates of manure applications (0, 27.3 and 54.6 m /ha), with and without incorporation, two rainfall intensities (11 mm/h for 142 min and 22 mm/h for 71 min) and three different rainfall delays (1, 24 and 48 h between time of manure application and beginning of each rainfall) were studied. Results showed that surface applications of pig manure decreased runoff delay while increasing runoff volume and lowering infiltration rate. Compared to the runoff delay without any application, runoff delay was one-tenth for a surface application of 54.6 m /ha under the lower rainfall intensity and onefifth under the highest rainfall intensity. At the same application rate (54.6 m /ha), runoff volume increased by 306% and infiltration rate decreased by 96%. When manure was surface applied, there was a 50% increase of runoff volume under the highest rainfall intensity. Regard less of the method of manure application and the rainfall intensity, the increase of runoff delay to 24 or 48 h decreased runoff volume.

Citation: G. Gangbazo, A.R. Pesant, D. Cluis et D. Couillard 1992. ETUDE EN LABORATOIRE DU RUISSELLEMENT FT DE L'INFILTRATION DE L'EAU SUITE A L'EPANDAGE DU LISIER DE PORC. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 34(1):17-25.
Volume: 34
Issue: 1
Pages -
Date: 1992
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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
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Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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