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Description: A sim ple method for measuring the solubility of pure gases in liquidwas developed. The results obtained using this methodfor CO2,O2,and N2 solubility in distilled water were compared to published data to assess the accuracy of the method. The differences between the measuredand published data did not exceed 3% in all cases and the mean difference for each gas did not exceed 0.6%. An error analysis permittedoptimization of the testing conditions to increase the pre cision of the method. The method was used to measure the CO2, O2, and N2solubility in water of varying quality used in the development of a high pressure water scrubber for controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and vegetables.
Citation: C. VIGNEAULT1, B. PANNETON1 and G.S.V. RAGHAVAN2 1993. A method for measuring gas solubility. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 35(3):199-206.
Volume: 35
Issue: 3
Pages -
Date: 1993
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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
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Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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