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Description: Atwoyear soil erodibility study was conducted on the ten most important agricul tural soil series of the Eastern Townships in southeast Quebec. A rainfall simulator was used for direct soil loss measurement on 30 erosion plots of 5 m X 3 m area (3 per soil series), established on three classes of slope (low, moderate, and high). The simulator generated two successive rainstorms of 30-minute duration with a 10-minute pause between to separate the initial storm (dry run) from the subsequent storm (wet run). The intensity of the simulated rain fall was 63.5 mm?h* , which produced an energy-intensity factor of 566 MJ^mm^ha^h)"1. Total soil losses ranged from 0.7 to 23.5 t?ha" . Although wet runs yielded more soil loss (p<0.01) than dry runs, increased slope did not always indicate increased soil loss. Erodibilities of the ten soils ranged from 0.009 to 0.078 t^ha^h^Oia^MJ^mm)"1. Six ofthe soils had lowKvalues (tf<0.026), three medium K values (0.027<0.052), and only one soil fell within the highly erodible group (A>0.053). The estimatedKfactors, using Wischmeier's nomograph, for the ten soil series were on the average 2.3 times the measured Kvalues.
Citation: F. SALEHI1, A.R. PESANT2, A. BERARD3 and R. LAGACE1 1993. Preliminary estimates of the erodibility of ten Quebec Eastern Townships soil series. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 35(3):157-164.
Volume: 35
Issue: 3
Pages -
Date: 1993
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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
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Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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