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Description: Theeffectof ammonia on silage quality of three forage crops was studied under laboratory conditions. Ammonia was applied in commercial operations by the Cold-flo process to corn, wheat, and sorghum upon ensilage. Theammonia was applied at 5 kg/t fresh material. Samples of untreated (control) and ammonia treated crops were ensiled in 1.5 Lglass jars. Three jarspertreatment were sampled onpredetermined dates, tostudy fermentation dynam ics. Results indicatedthat ammoniaabsorption was better in the corn and sorghum silages than in the wheat. This was evident from the extent ofpH increase during the initial stage ofensiling and from an increase in nitrogen content. Ammonia treatment increased in vitro DM digestibility and in situ rumen degradability ofsorghum silage by 2-4 percentage units. Ammonia reduced numbers ofyeasts and molds only at the beginning of theensiling period.
Citation: G. Ashbell and Z.G. Weinberg 1993. THE EFFECT OF APPLYING AMMONIA TO CORN, WHEAT, AND SORGHUM UPON ENSILING. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 35(2):113-117.
Volume: 35
Issue: 2
Pages -
Date: 1993
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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
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Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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