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Description: Because of the simplifyingassumptionsrequired to obtain analytical solutions to the subsurface drainage problem, numerical methods are increasingly used to simulate complex soil hydraulic conditions. MODFLOW is a widelyusedfinite differencemodelthat can simulategroundwater flow between subsurface lateral drains. In this study, subsurface drains were represented, in a MODFLOW grid cell network, by correcting the hydraulic conductivity of the draincell basedon grid size, effective drain radius, and surrounding soil hydraulic conduc tivity. Results from the numerical solution of MODFLOW were compared with Kirkham's analytical solution and Hooghoudt's equation, fora variety of drainage configurations with grid sizes of 0.1 and 0.2 m. Outflow rates predicted by MODFLOWwere always within 1.23% of the Kirkham's solution, whereas hydraulic heads didnotdiffer bymore than 11 mmfor the0.1 mgrid,and36mmfor the 0.2 m grid. On the average, watertable depths predicted by MODFLOW were within 21 mm of those calculated with Hoog houdt's equation. Acalibration curve was developed to determine the corrected hydraulic conductivity of the drain cell to simulate drains of various radii in a square MODFLOW grid cell network.
Citation: J. Gallichand 1993. REPRESENTING SUBSURFACE DRAINS IN A FINITE DIFFERENCE MODEL. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 35(2):105-112.
Volume: 35
Issue: 2
Pages -
Date: 1993
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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
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Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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