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Description: NatVent, a computer model for predicting the performance of natural ventilation in livestock buildings and greenhouses, was evaluated using data collected in summer from two naturallyventilated swine barns. An insulated, naturally-ventilated weaner-grower barn was monitored in Lacombe, and a new naturally- ventilated finisher pig bam was monitored in aids, both in Alberta. The bam at Lacombe met the open country criteria required by NatVent and the me~sured results and NatVent predictions were in good agreement (R- = 0.98). Because the barn at aids was attached to another structure, its measured ventilation rates were lower than those predicted by NatVent when the wind was from the direction of the attached structure.
Citation: H. Zhou. JJ.R. Fcddcs. JJ. Leonard and R. Borg 1997. APPLICATION OF A COMPUTER MODEL FOR NATURALLY VENTILATED LIVESTOCK BUILDIGS IN ALBERTA UNDER SUMMER CONDITIONS. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 39(4):327-334.
Volume: 39
Issue: 4
Pages -
Date: 1997
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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
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Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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