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Description: Small-scale composting operations of interest to fruit and vegetable processors use tractor-operated compost turners. The mixing and aeration performance of such compost turners were investigated by monitoring the composting of apple residues mixed with sawdUSL The results suggested: 1) incorporating liquids into sawdust by passing it through the tmner two or three times and using an overdose of the liquid to be absorbed, 2) mixing compounds in stages and in equal proportions to obtain unifonn pH, TKN, and dry matter, 3) using a porosity of 35 to 40% and a C:N of 20 to 25 to reach temperatures of 60 ?C, 4) bulking the residues with a mixture ofsawdust and straw to maintain compost structure while increasing the available C thus reducing N losses.
Citation: S.F. Barrington. K. EI Moueddeb and B. Porter 1997. IMPROVING SMALL?SCALE COMPOSTING OF APPLE WASTE. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 39(1):9-16.
Volume: 39
Issue: 1
Pages -
Date: 1997
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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
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Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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