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Description: A search for seeding machines that would function adequately in a trashcover farming program involving the use of subsurface cultivators and disc machines accompanied the change from plowed to plowless tillage on the prairies. The one-way-disc and discer seeders have been used successfully in the drier areas for a once-over tillage and seeding operation. Some at tempts have been made to use sub surface cultivators for combined tillage and seeding. Hoe- and lister-type drills have been adapted recently for seeding through trash on fallow and stubble land. Semi-deep-furrow, single-disc, or deep-furrow drills proved satisfactory for seeding winter wheat in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Double-disc drills were less useful in these studies because of difficulties in penetrating heavy mulch (1, 7). In the Great Central Plains areas of the United States studies showed that hoe drills were better adapted for seeding winter wheat (2, 3) but disc drills were satisfactory for seeding spring wheat on fallow where it was less essential to leave as much residue on the surface after seeding (2). In an 11-year study in Saskatchewan the one-way disc seeder proved better for seeding stubble land than the double-disc drill used on seed-beds prepared by either a mold-board plow or a cultivator (4). In later studies on fallow the drill was superior to the one-way and the discer seeder (5). This was attributed to large variations in seed placement by one-way disc and discer seeders when used on rough, uneven seed-beds. Subsequently it was reported (6) that, if fallows were cultivated to leave an even surface, results from the discer seeder equalled those from the doubledisc drill.
Keywords: seeding mechanisms for trash-cover farming
Citation: Anderson, D. T. 1966. SEEDING MECHANISMS FOR TRASH-COVER FARMING. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 8(1):33-36.
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Pages 33 - 36
Date: 1966
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Coverage: Canada
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