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Description: Growth rate studies of poultry by Roberts (2) and environmental influence on growth rates by Staley et al (4) have demonstrated the need for accurate control over ambient conditions during the early periods of growth. Longhouse et al (1), using broilers, showed the influence of temperature on heat production and feed conversion. Skoglund (3) found that broilers exhibited better weight gains when the light intensity was reduced. While the effects of air temperature, light intensity and relative humidity have been studied, an over all comfort index involving the thermal radiation exchange between the bird and its surroundings have not been evaluated. Suggs (5) derived theoretical relationships and partially verified experimentally the compensation rate between radiation temperature, air temperature and air enthalpy. It may be possible to take advantage of the directional properties of thermal radiation to reduce the over all heating requirement of broiler houses. Utilizing the concept of mean radiant temperature values appears to indicate that air temperature could be lowered if suitable levels of thermal radiation were provided. This may be of economic importance to the Canadian broiler producer in that he is producing on a year round basis under extremely varied conditions.
Keywords: design and development of controlled environment brooders for poultry
Citation: Staley, L. M. and C. W. Roberts 1969. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT BROODERS FOR POULTRY. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 11(2):71-73.
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Pages 71 - 73
Date: 1969
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Coverage: Canada
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