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Description: Atomization is the first process encountered during the combustion of fuels in a compression ignition engine. This paper outlines an experimental analysis of the atomization characteristics of five types of methyl ester biodiesel fuels. The biodiesel fuels were produced by transesterifying canola, coconut, palm, peanut, and soya oils. A Malvern 2600 Laser Diffraction Particle Sizer was used to analyze the fuel sprays. Using the Duncan Mean Range Test, the Sauter Mean Diameters (SMD) and Rosin-Rammler distribution parameters of the five biodiesel fuels were compared with each other and with diesel #2 fuel. No statistical difference was found between the atomization characteristics ofcoconut and diesel #2 fuels. All of the other biodiesel fuels had atomization characteristics that were significantly different from diesel #2 fuel.
Citation: C.A.W. Allen and K.C. Watts 1998. EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF HIODIESEL ATOMIZAnON CHARACTERISTICS. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 40(4):281-285.
Volume: 40
Issue: 4
Pages -
Date: 1998
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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
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Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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