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Description: In Quebec, manure has often been considered as a valueless by-product. Hog (Sus scrofa domestica L.) manure has frequently been applied to soils at high rates within a disposal philosophy. This 5-year study was conducted to evaluate the effect of high-rate hog manure (HM) applications, in addition to the normal inorganic fertilizer (IF), on water quality, soil fertility, and crop growth. Two crops were fertilized (IF) according to N requirement (kglha): silage com (Zea mays L.)180, and a timothy-red and white clover mixture (Phleum pralense L.Trifolium repens L.): 55. In addition, HM was applied at twice these rates to each crop on separate plots in three ways: all in the fall, all in the spring, or split equally between these two seasons. Control plots for each crop received only IF. In contrast to forage, relatively more total N, NH4-N, and NOJ-N was lost in runoff and drainage from com when HM was applied in addition to IF, the degree of difference depending on the year. Although there were no fall-spring or splitwhole differences for total N or NOJ-N for either crop, there was frequently much more NH4-N lost from fall applications to com (as compared to spring), the effect being year dependent. Hog manure in addition to IF generally did not affect water P consistently. However, fall application often produced higher runoff P losses for both crops. Whole (vs split) applications sometimes increased runoff P for both crops. Drainage P was little affected except for a decrease sometimes when HM was added. In comparison to forage, there was much more NOJ-N in the top two layers of com soil (0-200 and 200-400 mm). There was no treatment effect on soil P. Yield increases were much higher for forage when compared to com. Therefore, applying high rates of HM in addition to IF caused water pollution by nitrogen and phosphorus and nitrate-N accumulation in soil, but generally to a greater degree for com than for forage for the same level of overfertilization. Treatment effects were often crop and year dependent.
Citation: G. Gangbazo, a.M. Barnett, A.R. Pesant and D. Cluis 1999. DISPOSING HOG MANURE ON INORGANICALLY·FERTILIZED CORN AND FORAGE FIELDS IN SOUTHEASTERN QUEBEC. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 41(1):1-12.
Volume: 41
Issue: 1
Pages -
Date: 1999
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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
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Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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