Authors: Philippe Savoie, Frédéric Lavoie, Luc D'Amours, William Schroeder And John Kort
Identifier: C0825
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Published in: CBE Journal » CBE Journal Volume 52 (2010)
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Description: Several grass and woody crops grow naturally around potholes, marshes and sloughs across the Canadian Prairies. Thisvegetation serves as a valuable habitat for wildlife, but canbecome invasive on agricultural land and a source of wild fires.This paper presents an innovative harvesting method that canrejuvenate the vegetation, while providing a useful biomass. Theprototype, based on a modified round baler and called a €˜€˜biobaler'',was used in Saskatchewan to harvest natural willowrings around marshes. It cut, shredded and baled the woodycrop in a single pass. Harvestrat es averaged 3.5 and 6.6t/h [fresh weight (FW)] on two sites of different brush density[11 and 43 t/ha of dry matter (DM), respectively]. Round baleswere typically 1.22 m wide by 1.35 m diameter they weighed onaverage 251 and 347 kg F at each site (density of 144 and 199kg FW/m3). Moisture content of harvested crop averaged 41%. The bio-baler recovered 62% of biomass (7 and 27 tDM/ha,respectively). The technology could be used to manage naturallygrowing woody shrubs, while collecting a currently neglected source of biomass.
Keywords: harvest, woody crop, brush, shrub, bale, biomass.
Citation: Savoie, P., F. Lavoie, L. D'Amours, W. Schroeder and J. Kort. 2010. Harvesting natural willow rings with a bio-baler around Saskatchewan prairie marshes. Canadian Biosystems Engineering/Le génie des biosystèmes au Canada. 52: 2.1-2.5
Volume: 52
Issue: 2
Pages -
Date: 2010-12-09
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Coverage: Canada
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