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Description: Farmers in Canada have realized from practice that fields which have been packed after seeding generally produce more uniform crops and higher yields than those which have not been packed. They also claimed that post-seeding compaction treatments cause earlier emergence of crops from the soil. A possible explanation for these results may be that the soil is packed around the seed so that germination is hastened and the depth of soil above the seed is reduced which allows young plants to come up more rapidly. Johnson and Henry (4) reported that bulk density of the soil was related in directly to seedling emergence in that any change in bulk density changed other factors such as oxygen diffusion rate and soil crust strength. They concluded that compacting a soil layer one inch above the seed, created a diffusion barrier which reduced the overall drying rate yet allowed favourable emergence because drying of the compacted layer was delayed. There has been considerable research into compaction of soil due to wheels of farm machinery. How ever, there have been fewer studies on agricultural land packers used to promote crop response. The purpose of the study reported here was to evaluate the degree of compaction of the soil brought about by some packer arrangements.
Keywords: soil compaction by agricultural land packers and models
Citation: Djokoto, I.K., Bigsby, F.W. and R. Lai 1971. SOIL COMPACTION BY AGRICULTURAL LAND PACKERS AND MODELS. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 13(2):46-50.
Volume: 13
Issue: 2
Pages 46 - 50
Date: 1971
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Coverage: Canada
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