Identifier: CSBE16082
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Published in: CSBE-SCGAB Technical Conferences » AGM Halifax 2016

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Description: Experiments were conducted to assess the effectiveness of bedding materials in reducing ammonia release from manure. Nine different bedding materials were tested. In the first set of experiments, a layer of bedding material was placed in a test chamber for each material, and cow manure was then added to the bedding material. Ammonia concentration in the chambers was measured daily for five consecutive days. In the second experiment, ammonia gas was introduced into the chambers filled with bedding materials to quantify the ammonia adsorption by the bedding materials. The results showed that all nine materials were effective in reducing ammonia release from manure, but higher density materials seemed to perform better than bulk materials. Reduction in ammonia by bedding materials was mostly attributed to gas adsorption.

Keywords: manure, ammonia, bedding material
Citation: . 2016. Effect of Bedding Materials on Ammonia Release from Manure. CSBE/SCGAB 2016 Annual Conference, Halifax, 3-6 July 2016.
Pages -
Date: juil-16
Technical field:
Conference name: CSBE/SCGAB 2016 Annual Conference, Halifax, 3-6 July 2016.
Session name: Session 3B: Air Quality in Plant Agriculture and Livestock Farming

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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
Publication type: Conference Proceeding
Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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