Identifier: CSBE16045
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Published in: CSBE-SCGAB Technical Conferences » AGM Halifax 2016

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Description: The increased eutrophication phenomenon in Quebec Lakes is majorly associated with phosphorus losses due to the application of manure to cultivated croplands. As of 2012, phosphorus concentration in the Pike River watershed located in southern Quebec is reported as 0.057 mg/L which exceeds the Quebec water quality guideline of 0.03 mg/L by approximately 50%. Therefore, a phosphorus-reducing strategy is required to meet the water quality goals set for this watershed. In this research, the effect of dolomitic hydrated lime provided by Graymont Lime Company has been studied on reducing phosphorus loss through leaching from soil columns. For this purpose, using a full factorial design, soil columns were amended with different dosage percentages of lime (0, 0.5, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2 and 3%) in order to determine the optimum application dosage based on efficiency and pH. The leachate samples were collected daily and measured for EC, pH, P, Ca, Mg, Al and K. The results showed that dolomitic hydrated lime is a promising amendment in immobilizing phosphorus by improving the soil structure owing to its high cation exchange capacity. According the statistical analysis, 1.25% dosage of dolomitic hydrated lime was found as the optimum application dosage while reducing phosphorus concentration to 0.018 mg/L.

Keywords: Dolomitic Hydrated Lime, Phosphorus, Leaching, Pike River
Citation: . 2016. Application of Dolomitic Hydrated Lime as an Amendment to Reduce Phosphorus Leaching Loss in Pike River Watershed. CSBE/SCGAB 2016 Annual Conference, Halifax, 3-6 July 2016.
Pages -
Date: juil-16
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Conference name: CSBE/SCGAB 2016 Annual Conference, Halifax, 3-6 July 2016.
Session name: Poster Session (Best Student Poster Award)

Other information:
Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
Publication type: Conference Proceeding
Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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