Authors: Sprenger, Charley Joanne, Tabil, Lope G, Soleimani, Majid, Agnew, Joy, Harrison, Amie
Identifier: CSBE17147
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Published in: CSBE-SCGAB Technical Conferences » AGM Winnipeg 2017 (with CIGR VI Technical Symposium)

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Description: Due to its primarily organic composition municipal solid waste (MSW) is a suitable feedstock for conversion by gasification to produce ethanol. Current technologies process the MSW into refuse-derived fuel (RDF) fluff before conversion. Bench and pilot-scale densification trials were conducted to determine the parameters required to produce a higher quality feedstock from the MSW RDF material in a pellet form. Characterization MSW-RDF fluff sample showed that the composition of the material was approximately 35% paper, 22% plastics, 14% fabrics, 6% organics/wood, and 23% fines by weight. The RDF was densified, as well as the biodegradable (paper and wood) fraction of the RDF stream to compare quality of pellets for the two material compositions. A single pelleting trial was conducted to examine the compaction parameters that would produce high quality pellets: sample material, grind size, moisture content, temperature and pelleting pressure. It was determined that quality pellets, for both materials, were formed at a grind size of 6.35 mm at 16% moisture under pelleting conditions of 90

Keywords: densification, durability, biofuels, pellets, techno-economic study
Pages -
Date: 2017-08-07
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Conference name: CSBE/SCGAB 2017 Annual Conference, Canad Inns Polo Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 6-10 August 2017.
Session name: Session 2A: Biomass as a Sustainable Feedstock for Solid Fuel

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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
Publication type: Technical conference
Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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