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Description: Minimum amounts of tillage are desirable to reduce time required for soil preparation and to conserve soil and energy resources (Larson 1967). The tillage practice must, however, maintain or improve crop yield. Choice of tillage practice is of consider able importance on fine-textured soils such as the clay soils of Southwestern Ontario, where unsuitable tillage may not only impair soil tilth but severely reduce crop yield (Bolton and Aylesworth 1957). Brookston clay is one of the soil types where crop production is sensitive to tillage treatment. This soil is described by Richards et al. (1949) and is currently classified as an Orthic Humic Gleysol. The high density of Brookston clay, especially below 10 cm, invites an attempt to alter this soil physically by mechanical means below this depth. Such an approach appears particularly feasible, since the ameliorating effect of alfalfa has been attributed in part to the loosening action of this legume at sub-plowsole depth (Ripley 1969).
Keywords: effects on depth and time of plowing brookston clay on yield of corn and tomatoes
Citation: Bolton, E.F., Findlay, W.I. and V.A. Dirks 1977. EFFECTS ON DEPTH AND TIME OF PLOWING BROOKSTON CLAY ON YIELD OF CORN AND TOMATOES. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 19(1):45-47.
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Pages 45 - 47
Date: 1977
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Coverage: Canada
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