Authors: Lai, R. And W.B. Reed
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Published in: CBE Journal » CBE Journal Volume 19 (1977)

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Description: Although not many of the herbicides in use today are pre-emergent, the ones in use are of great significance, particularly for the control of wild oats. The successful use of these herbicides depends on correct application and incorporation. Wasted chemical, damage to crops and poor weed control can result from incorrect application and incorporation procedures. Pre-emergent herbicides are available in either liquid or granular form the most common of these is triallate used for wild oats control. The pre-emergent herbicides require incorporation into the soil just after application. The depth of incorporation may vary depending on the kind of weed to be controlled and the crop that is to be grown. For example, trifluraiin should be mixed relatively deeply for control of wild oats whereas a shallow incorporation is more satisfactory for control of green foxtail. According to Ashford (1975), a triallate granule has to be within half a centimeter of a growing wild oat to have any effect. This shows the importance of a uniform ap plication and thorough incorporation of the herbicide. Moreover, a normal application rate of 14 kg/ha of triallate granules when incorporated to a depth of 5 cm means that one part of the herbicide has to be mixed with nearly 26,000 parts of the soil. Various implements are used to incorporate herbicides. The common ones are discer (common name for one-way disc harrow), tandem disc harrow, drag harrow, and cultivator.

Keywords: studies of machines for incorporation of pre-emergent herbicides
Citation: Lai, R. and W.B. Reed 1977. STUDIES OF MACHINES FOR INCORPORATION OF PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDES. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 19(1):6-11.
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Pages 6 - 11
Date: 1977
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Coverage: Canada
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