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Description: The decision to purchase a particular make of dryer used to be based only on capacity and capital investment considerations however, with the present emphasis on energy conservation, many buyers are now interested in the energy efficiency of a dryer. Unfortunately it is almost impossible for a buyer to interpret and compare the capacity and efficiency values supplied by manufacturers. For example, it is common to rate the capacity in tonnes per hour without specifying the operating and ambient conditions or whether these are dry or wet tonnes. Very few manufacturers are able to supply data for more than one set of conditions. Even then, the reliability is questionable because accurate field tests are not usually performed because of their high costs and the fact that efficiency specifications are not mandatory. Test procedures have been suggested in an attempt to provide the industry with a set of standards for specifying dryer capacity and energy performance. Thus, the ASAE standard S248.3 (ASAE 1978) requires specification of drying capacities at two levels of moisture reduction however, it does not consider energy efficiency. Keener and Glenn (1978) and Bakker-Arkema et al. (1978) have suggested testing procedures which include determination of the drying behavior of the particular corn used in the experiment. However, a standard test has not yet been accepted by industry or researchers.
Keywords: a study of a commercial crossflow grain dryer
Citation: Otten, Lambert, Brown, Ralph and Kent Anderson 1980. A STUDY OF A COMMERCIAL CROSSFLOW GRAIN DRYER. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 22(2):163-170.
Volume: 22
Issue: 2
Pages 163 - 170
Date: 1980
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Publication type: Journal
Coverage: Canada
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