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Description: Seed drills for zero-tillage will have to be capable of seeding to desired depth into compact, trash-covered soils that do not have conventional plow pans. The market for zero-till seed drills is not expected to mature fast enough to support their exclusive production for some time. Thus, new designs will require a greater range of capability than that of present drills, because they will likely have to operate in both traditional and zero-till seed beds. Design of a seed drill requires consideration of the various aspects of seed placement that affect germination and emergence. The function of a seed drill furrow opener assembly is to place seed in the soil at a regulated depth in relation to either moisture or soil surface, and also to manipulate the soil in such a manner as to obtain maximum emergence. Many scientists (Stout et al. 1960 Johnson and Buchele 1961 Hadus 1970 Dasberg 1971 Ward and Shaykewich 1972 Feddes 1972 El-Sharkawi and Springuel 1977) have suggested the importance of the degree of soil-seed contact, but its effect has not been measured quantitatively. Collis-George and Hector (1966) found that contact between soil-water and the seed affected the germination of Medicago iribuloides at moisture levels above field capacity however, most seeds germinate at moisture levels well below field capacity. Collis-George and Sands (1959) used two species of Medicago and found little difference in germination with different soil moisture tensions and areas of soil-seed contact.
Keywords: effect of soil-seed contact on seed imbibition
Citation: Rogers, R. B. and S. Dubetz 1980. EFFECT OF SOIL-SEED CONTACT ON SEED IMBIBITION. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 22(1):89-92.
Volume: 22
Issue: 1
Pages 89 - 92
Date: 1980
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Publication type: Journal
Coverage: Canada
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