Authors: Afroza Parvin, Mashiur Rahman, Douglas J. Cattani
Identifier: CSBE21697
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Published in: CSBE-SCGAB Technical Conferences » 5th CIGR and AGM Quebec City 2021 » Regular Sessions

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Description: This study was focused on investigating the properties of the extracted canola (HYREAR 3) fibers from 3 different diameter of stems (narrow, medium and wide). The physical (average length, aspect ratio, contact angle, and moisture regain) and mechanical (load at break, elongation at break, tensile stress, young?s modulus, and tenacity) properties of fibers were measured. The mean values of fiber diameter, load at break, elongation at break, tenacity, and contact angle were highest and the lowest mean values were observed for tensile stress, young?s modulus and aspect ratio in fibers of (7-10) mm stems (medium matured), hence found to be less stiff. Mean values showed that stem diameter had effects on all fiber properties except for average length. ANOVA showed that stem diameter had effects on all fiber properties except for stem diameter, average length, and elongation at break. Fiber diameter also had significant effects on load at break, elongation at break, aspect ratio, tensile stress, and young?s modulus. In corrgram, it was found that tensile stress, young?s modulus, and aspect ratio were negatively correlated to fiber diameter whereas load at break and tenacity were mostly positively associated. Moisture regain ability showed that canola fibers isolated from >7 mm stem diameter were less hydrophilic whereas contact angle measurement showed relatively more hydrophobic nature of (7-10) mm stem fibers. Therefore, this study provided an insightful understanding of the quality of the canola fibers of different stems in choosing the best stem to extract different qualities of fibers for commercial uses.

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Date: 2021-06-11
Technical field:
Conference name: 5th CIGR International Conference and CSBE-SCGAB AGM 2021, Quebec City,QC, 11-14 May 2021.
Session name: Building & Materials

Other information:
Type: Text.Abstract
Publication type: Presentation
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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