Authors: Tasneem Vahora, Jason Morrison
Identifier: CSBE21434
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Published in: CSBE-SCGAB Technical Conferences » 5th CIGR and AGM Quebec City 2021 » Regular Sessions

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Description: The goal of this experiment was to study the effect of controlled retting on fibre yield of Brassica napus L. and Linum usitatisimum L. stem of cultivar (cv.) 45H29 and sorrel, respectively. Our further goal is to develop an evaluation method for fibre content in agricultural waste straw and standardize the assessment of this added value. Stems were cut to approximately 5cm lengthand roughly 3.33g were added to every 500ml baffled Erlenmeyer flask. A solution of 100 ml and 5.64g of M9 minimal salts was used to maintain a 30:1 water to stem ratio while ensuringnutrients for microbes. All flasks with their contents were pre-sterilized by autoclaving at 121?C for 15min. Sterilized-inoculated and non-inoculated (control) treatments were employed forretting stems. The aerobic retting bacteria Bacillus subtilis subsp. Spizizenii ATCC 6633 was used as retting agent for inoculated treatments. Three replicate flasks of each treatment andplant material were incubated at 30?C and 150RPM and sampled at day zero, three, six, nine and twelve. During each sampling, fibre from each stem was manually separated and oven-dried to measure its dried weight. During the retting process, the 45H29 cv. fibre detached from stems within three days of retting and broke into pieces. However, sorrel cv. fibre remainedintact longer, detaching within six days of retting. The effects of controlled retting were eventually destructive to canola fibers, while flax fibers detached and became entangled. Chemicalcomposition achieved through gravimetric analyses will be presented at the conference.

Pages -
Date: 2021-06-11
Technical field:
Conference name: 5th CIGR International Conference and CSBE-SCGAB AGM 2021, Quebec City,QC, 11-14 May 2021.
Session name: Waste Management 1 - Bioproducts

Other information:
Type: Text.Abstract
Publication type: Presentation
Language 1: en
Language 2:
Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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