Authors: Huyen Chau Dang, Judy Libra, Marcus Fischer, Gianluigi Farru
Identifier: CSBE21503
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Published in: CSBE-SCGAB Technical Conferences » 5th CIGR and AGM Quebec City 2021 » Regular Sessions

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Description: Coffee drinks play an important role in society. Coffee consumption and production continue to grow. Worldwide coffee bean production has reached 10 million tons in 2019, with almost 15% of that produced in Vietnam. Besides having to meet the demand for high coffee quality from customers, coffee farmers and producers currently have to face the problems of dealing with coffee by-products from coffee processing sustainably: (1) from coffee berries to beans; and (2) from beans to final products, eg, instant coffee, etc. Disposal methods for coffee by-products depend on the region and the processing step in the value chain. Sustainable reuse as a renewable fuel in the coffee value chain may be an important strategy. This study investigates the feasibility of converting coffee by-products from various processing steps into a fuel suitable for use in the drying steps of coffee processing. Estimates for reuse are made based on material flows from case studies in the Vietnamese coffee value chain. In addition, the question of what type of solids processing can be used to convert wet spent coffee grounds (SCG) into carbon-rich char for use as charcoal pellets was investigated experimentally. In tests with hydrothermal carbonization (HTC), SCG was treated at various process conditions (160 ? 250?C) and post-treatment steps. The presentation will discuss how the HTC-process parameters can be optimized considering not only the hydrochar properties but also the desired post-processing characteristics for use as solid fuel in the drying step of coffee processing.

Pages -
Date: 2021-06-11
Technical field:
Conference name: 5th CIGR International Conference and CSBE-SCGAB AGM 2021, Quebec City,QC, 11-14 May 2021.
Session name: Waste Management 3 - Environmental Assessment

Other information:
Type: Text.Abstract
Publication type: Presentation
Coverage: Italy
Language 1: en
Language 2:
Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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