Authors: Indhu Mirra Ayyappan, Manickavasagan Annamalai, Amanat Ali
Identifier: CSBE21693
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Published in: CSBE-SCGAB Technical Conferences » 5th CIGR and AGM Quebec City 2021 » Regular Sessions

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Description: High-pressure processing (HPP) is widely used for a variety of food products such as pre-cooked dishes, meat, and other products. HPP has now arisen as a possible alternative method of thermal processing. The quality of the HPP treated products is an important factor that influences consumer perception. The odor, flavor and other sensory characteristics of the food are maintained in the HPP treated food products. From the food industry point of view, this process is highly advantageous as it is independent of the size and quantity of the sample. HPP helps in deactivating the microorganisms and denature proteins which ultimately helps in a good shelf-life of the products. With the increase in pressure, there might also be potential changes in the appearance and the quality of texture. HPP can affect the protein and carbohydrate functionalities. UV-vs spectroscopy has been used to study the phenolic content in HPP treated wine. Structural changes of myoglobin in pork meat after HPP were analyzed using infrared and UV-Vs spectroscopy. The molecular changes in HPP treated fish and meat products have been investigated using the Resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy. Microstructural changes of milk protein concentrate (MPC) after HPP treatment were observed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). SEM and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) played an important role in the structural analysis of HPP treated cheddar curd. Survival rates of the microbes in HPP treated vegetables (lettuce, onion, tomato, spinach, cauliflower, asparagus) were determined using the flow cytometry method. The peroxidase activity of these samples was studied using confocal microscopy.

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Date: 2021-06-11
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Conference name: 5th CIGR International Conference and CSBE-SCGAB AGM 2021, Quebec City,QC, 11-14 May 2021.
Session name: Food 4 - Quality

Other information:
Type: Text.Abstract
Publication type: Presentation
Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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