Authors: Philippe Van Overbeke, Shaojie Zhuang, Arnout Declerck, Eva Brusselman, Peter Demeyer
Identifier: CSBE21606
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Published in: CSBE-SCGAB Technical Conferences » 5th CIGR and AGM Quebec City 2021 » 4th international Symposium on Gas Emissions and Dust from Livestock (EMILI)

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Description: Current emission measuring methods for naturally ventilated barns are applied in a large range of weather and management conditions within dairy barns with divergent constructions. The accuracy of the resulting emission measurements is currently uncertain and will probably differ extremely, depending on measuring conditions. At the Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food research (ILVO) in Flanders (Belgium) a reference emission measuring set-up was developed in the ILVO dairy barn to enable the evaluation, validation and optimization of emission measuring methods. In this reference barn, ventilation rates are determined by a network of ultrasonic anemometers. The internal gas distribution is measured by open path lasers, distributed sensor nodes and sampling lines connected with gas analysers. The measuring techniques applied in the reference barn, the evaluation of the accuracy of the ventilation measurement, as well as a first evaluation of the commonly used tracer gas ratio method will be discussed.

Pages -
Date: 2021-06-11
Technical field:
Conference name: 5th CIGR International Conference and CSBE-SCGAB AGM 2021, Quebec City,QC, 11-14 May 2021.
Session name: 4th international Symposium on Gas Emissions and Dust from Livestock (EMILI) 1 - Measuring methods and Modeling

Other information:
Type: Text.Abstract
Publication type: Presentation
Coverage: Belgium
Language 1: en
Language 2:
Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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