Authors: Tasneem Vahora, Jason Morrison,
Identifier: CSBE23103
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Published in: CSBE-SCGAB Technical Conferences » AGM Lethbridge 2023

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Description: Retting is a critical technique employed for the fibre extraction of plant materials. Controlled aerobic retting experiments were conducted where plant stems were inoculated with a known species of aerobic microflora to determine the quality and quantity of fibre attainable from the stem. A pre-treatment of autoclaving the media consisting of plant stems and minimal salt supplements was used to control the impact of the naturally occurring microflora. The ?processed? treatment of plant stem steps involved autoclaving, adding minimal salt, and aerobic incubation. The current study investigates the controlled parameters for aerobic retting using Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii ATCC 6633 on linseed flax (Linum usitatisimum L.) and canola (Brassica napus L.) stem portions. The six treatments considered were: unprocessed (UP), processed (P), processed without salts (P-S), processed without aerobic retting (P-R), processed without autoclaving (P-A), and processed with inoculation (P+I). Results demonstrated that autoclaving plant material assisted in easier fibre separation and increased plant mass when salts were added to the media, with an otherwise decreased mass. The processing impacted linseed flax and canola plant stem composition and fibre separation differently. For linseed flax, shive, and whole plant portion had higher composition when treatments were compared to P. However, the compositional changes were inconsistent across the canola plant portion due to the fibre and shive separation issue. Salts and other conditions chemically treated plant material. To further understand the impact of salts, future research could include treatments UP, P-A, P-A+I, and P-S-A on plant stems for fibre extraction.

Keywords: Retting, Controlled Parameters, Plant Materials, Bacillus subtilis L., Fibre Extraction
Pages -
Date: 2023-07-23
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Conference name: CSBE/SCGAB 2023 Annual Conference, Lethbridge, Alberta, 23-26 July 2023.
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Other information:
Type: Presentation
Publication type: Text.Abstract
Coverage: North_America
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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