Authors: Craig B. MacEachern,
Travis J. Esau,
Scott N. White,
Qamar U. Zaman,
Aitazaz A. Farooque
Identifier: CSBE23248
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Published in: CSBE-SCGAB Technical Conferences » AGM Lethbridge 2023
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Description: This study looked at the recent development of a novel spot applicator for applying granular agrochemicals. The system was specifically designed for use with dichlobenil in wild blueberry fields. Economic analysis of the system involved three costing scenarios. These included 1) cost to purchase all application equipment, 2) cost if the user already owns a rate controller, GNSS receiver and swath control, and 3) cost if the user already owns a rate controller, GNSS receiver, swath control and a pneumatic applicator. Payback periods were based on the cost of upgrading equipment, operational costs, dichlobenil?s $1873 ha-1 uniform application cost and the 33.89% hair fescue field coverage measured from aerial imagery in selected fields. Through spot treatment, application costs for dichlobenil were reduced to $634.76 ha-1 in sampled fields. The breakeven point in terms of savings to applied hectarage was 43.44 ha, 20.83 ha and 4.27 ha for costing scenarios 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Beyond the economic benefits, the spot applicator is more efficient from a temporal perspective. Applied hectarage per hopper of dichlobenil increases from 1.92 ha to 5.66 ha when switching from broadcast to spot application configurations, improving the total uptime. In all, the analysis demonstrates the considerable potential, economic, and temporal benefits of the applicator for applying dichlobenil. Given the industry largely only applies pronamide to control hair fescue, reduction in dichlobenil application costs adds a second option to limit possible selection for herbicide resistance. Future work will consider how the applicator can benefit other cropping systems.
Keywords: Mechanized systems, precision agriculture, agrochemical, clean technology, spot specific
Pages -
Date: 2023-07-23
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Conference name: CSBE/SCGAB 2023 Annual Conference, Lethbridge, Alberta, 23-26 July 2023.
Session name:
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Type: Presentation
Publication type: Text.Abstract
Coverage: North_America
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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