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Description: Soil erosion by wind on the Great Plains region of the Prairie Provinces in Western Canada is not of recent origin. MacKay (11) reported severe soil drifting at the Indian Head Experimental Farm in 1889. At the same time MacKay (11) also reported on the importance of summer fallowing in a crop production programe. The practice of summerfallowing became quite general early in the present century. By 1934 almost 15 million acres of land were being summerfallowed and by 1958 the area had increased to over 25 million acres. Palmer (13) stated that soil drifting usually occurred during the spring months over most of the Prairies. In Southern Alberta it is often severe in the late autumn and also during the winter months when chinook winds melt the snow and leave the ground bare. In addition, Palmer (13) described the severe drought which occurred on the Prairies from 1931 to 1937, and which was accompanied by severe insect damage and periods of high winds. This created a situation which resulted in widespread soil drifting. The situation was further aggravated, as the drought continued, by the disappearance of trash caused by a succession of poor crops. The importance of trash cover as a protective measure against wind erosion has been described by a number of workers (8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17). Studies by Anderson (1), Cole and Morgan (5), Siddoway et al. (15), and by Woodruff and Chepil (17) have shown that tillage machinery plays an extremely important role in the matter of trash conservation as well as in the production of cloddy surface soil for wind erosion control.
Keywords: surface clod production characteristics of some tillage machines on a clay loam soil
Citation: Wenhardt, A. 1962. SURFACE CLOD PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME TILLAGE MACHINES ON A CLAY LOAM SOIL. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 4(1):33-35.
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Pages 33 - 35
Date: 1962
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Coverage: Canada
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