Authors: R. Morissette, P. Savoie and P. Lizotte
Identifier: CSBE11203
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Published in: CSBE-SCGAB Technical Conferences » AGM Winnipeg 2011

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Description: A heat exchanger system using hot water supplied by a biomass boiler burning wood logs was installed in combination with a passive solar hay batch dryer. The dryer could hold up to 7620 small 22.5-kg bales stacked over 8 rows. Bales were dried down to 12 % moisture content (m.c.) in 20 days. The dryer consisted of four 3.70-kW centrifugal fans mounted with 64-kW heat exchangers that heated a fraction of the total solar pre-heated airflow. The 146-kW boiler could supply 2 heat exchangers for an 8-hour period with a single wood load of 150 kg. The average gain of air temperature was 8.8

Keywords: hay, drying, solar energy, biomass, wood, boiler, combustion, ash, drying cost
Citation: R. Morissette, P. Savoie and P. Lizotte. 2013. Drying baled hay with combined solar and biomass heat sources. CSBE/SCGAB 2011 Annual Conference, Inn at the Forks, Winnipeg, Mb. 10-13 July 2011
Pages -
Date: juil-11
Technical field: Biological Systems Engineering
Conference name: CSBE/SCGAB 2011 Annual Conference, Inn at the Forks, Winnipeg, Mb. 10-13 July 2011
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Type: Text.Article
Format: PDF
Publication type: Conference Proceeding
Coverage: Canada
Language 1: en
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Rights: Canadian Society for Bioengineering
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